1716 02 02 : Rental list of Sir Christopher MUSGRAVE's tenants

02 Feb 1715/6. RENTAL LIST OF SIR CHRISTOPHER MUSGRAVE’S TENANTS. Bundle 4, Doc 24. 29 cm x 19 cm. A piece (with no writing on it) torn out at one edge. A Rentall of the Manors Lands & Tenemts – belonging to Sr. Chr. MUSGRAVE Bart. from 2o. Febr. 1714 Exclusive to 2o. of Febr. 1715 inclusive Edenall Days of Rent Names of farms names of Tents. paymt £ Skeugh Farme John ELWOOD Mart. Whit. 31 : 0 : 0 03 : 0 : 0 02 : 10 : 0 01 : 15 : 00 10 : 10 : 00 : 00 20 : 00 : 00 09 : 14 : 02 01 : 11 : 08 01 : 06 : 00 04 : 12 : 8 ———————- 95 : 9 : 6 05 : 0 : 0 ——————— 100 : 9 : 6 Outbanck Chr. GIBSON Candls Carbanck house } Carwoods and an } Acre and an } halfe of Ground } in ye Sweetriggs } Thos: MURTHWAITE Marts } Whits } Heeds Close } Winterage of Long Flatt } Thos PARKER Whits } Marts } Peashouse and } Long Flatt } Thos. JACKSON Marts } Whits } Twelve Acres } Fryer Flatt } Thos SHEARBORN Marts & } Whits } Low Mains Thos MARTIN } Joseph BELL } Marts } Whits } Customary Rents From ye Tennts Marts } Whits } Services From Do Marts Three Leasors Humpr DALTON } James BLANE } Sam DENY } Marts } Whits } Penrith and } Carleton Customary } Rents } The Mill - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Will CALLAN Marts } Whits } Marts } Whits } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hartley £ s d Ladfoot per Chr HARKER 19 : 00 : 00

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