1740 04 30 : Bleatarn Court Baron verdict
30 Apr 1740. BLEATARN COURT BARON VERDICT. Bundle 55, Doc 10. 38.5 cm x 31 cm. Tear along file fold and small edge tear. Manor } of } Verdt Bleatarn } 30th. Ap: 1740 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Manor } The Court Leet and View of Frank Pledge of our Lord the Sir Philip of } King & Court Baron & Customary Court of Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Bleatarn } Lord of the sd Manor holden at Bleatarn in & for the sd. Mannor the thirtieth day of April 1740 Before Thomas SIMPSON Gent Stewd. of the sd Court. The Names of the Jurors to enquire for our Ld. the King & the Lord of the sd. Man~or John RICHARDSON } { John LAMB Richard RICHARDSON } { Thomas LAMBERT Isaac WILSON } { Thomas ABRAHAMS John THOMPSON } Sworn { William RUDD John WILLSON } { Christopher STEADMAN Christopher RUDD } { William SPOONER Anthony CARLETON } Which Jurors being Charged & sworn present as follows vizt. Fine 4:16:3 We Do pr.sent Jos. WILSON Dead since ye. last Court } Rent – 01 – 07 - 06 Fees 2:4 Do find Jos. WILSON his Son heir to } Rent – 00 – 13 – 9 to one half of a messuage } Mr. Mary PATTESON Widdow Dead Since Last Court } Rent – 03 – 00 – 00 : ½ we do find Mr. Thos. PATTISON her Son : to a } Parcell of Land in this mannor … Rent } Jane Fond Since RICHARDSON widdow Dead Since } Rent – 08 – 00 – 09 – ¾ Last Court – we Do find Jon. RICHARDSON her } Brother in Law to one half of a Mesuage }