1751 09 28 : Receipt for stones and carriage for Lupton Hall

28 Sep 1751. RECEIPT FOR STONES AND CARRIAGE FOR LUPTON HALL. Bundle 50, Doc 37. 18.5 cm x 16.5 cm. C. 236. R. 162. Henr: STEPHENSON Lupton Buildg. 0 : 19 : 6 28th. Septr: 1751. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sep ye 25 ––– 1751¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬__________ Recd of Henry STEPHNSON the Sum of twelve Shillings and Six pence Being for Cowms [?] Stones and Carage to Ingleton for Lupton Hall Witness By me [signed] Isaac GREENWOOD [signed] John GIBSON Septr: 28. 1751 – Recd: of Sr. Phil: MUSGRAVE Bart. per Christo: DOBSON twelve Shills: & Six pence in full of the above also Recd at ye Same time Seven Shills: in full for the Carriage of ye sd. Stones being 12½ yds: I say Recd: by me [signed] Henry STEPHENSON
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