1734 04 18 : Bleatarn Court Baron verdict

18 Apr 1734. BLEATARN COURT BARON VERDICT. Bundle 55, Doc 11. 36 cm x 29 cm, folded in half to make four pages, but only the first page is written on. Bleatarn Verdt 1734 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Man~or } The Court Bar~on and Court customary of Sr. Christopher of } MUSGRAVE Barrtt. Lord of the said Man~or holden at Bleatarn Bleatarn } in & for the said Man~or the Eighteenth Day of Aprill 1734 by Tho: SIMPSON Gent Steward of the said Court. The Names of the Jury to enquire for the Lord of the sd. Man~or John RICHARDSON } Richd RICHARDSON } Richard RICHARDSON younger } John WILSON } Christopher STEADMAN elder } Ino. THOMPSON } Sworn Thomas ABRAHAM } Sworn Isaac WILSON } George PARK } Edwd. HOLLYDAY } Christopher STEADMAN younger } Jno. LAMB } Anthony CARLETON } They the Jury sworn & charged say & present upon their Oaths in the ve [?] words following (that is to say) We do preset Thos HOLIDAY decesed – £ : s . d and finde Edwd HOLIDAY Heir, Rent 00£ : 11 – 7 Wee do present Thos RICHARDSON } decesd. and finde Thos RICHARDSON his } – 00 : 11 – 10 – ½ son Heir }