1754 07 03 : Housekeeper's expenses account

03 Jul 1754. HOUSEKEEPER’S EXPENSES ACCOUNT. Bundle 52, Doc 1. 16 cm x 10 cm. C. 270. R.90. Margt: NOBLE. Housebook 3 : 9 : 3½ 3d. July 1754. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Margt: NOBLE Housebook 1754 – £ : s : d a Week in April 1754 0 : 5 : 9 May 1754 1st: Week 0 : 19 : 0½ 2d: 0 : 13 : 6 3d: 0 : 18 : 5 4th: 0 : 7 : 10 June 1st: Week 0 : 4 : 10 ———————- 3 : 9 : 3½ ———————- 3d: July 1754. Recd. of Sr. Ph: MUSGRAVE Bt: per Chr: DOBSON three pods: nine Shills: & three pen~: ½dy: in full for the above Accot: of the Housbook laid out till this day by [signed] Margt: NOBLE
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