1750 12 17 : Blacksmith's bill for Hartley High Mill

17 Dec 1750. BLACKSMITH’S BILL FOR HARTLEIGH HIGH MILL. Bundle 50, Doc 29. 15.5 cm x 10.5 cm. Wm: HUTCHINSON Smith Bill 0 : 13 : 10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Octr. 19th. 1750 Sr. Phil MUSGRAVE Debtor to Wm. HUTCHINSON for ––– 15 Score Nails at 4 Apeney } for high Mill Troughs } 6 : 3 22 Score at 5 Apeneny Nails } 3 Score at 20 Apeney } to make up Anew Water } 7 : 7 wheel at high Mill } ————- 13 : 10 Decr. 17th. 1750 Recd. of Sr. Phil MUSGRAVE Barrt. from the hand of Tho RUDD thirteen Shill~s. & tenpence in full by me [signed] William HUTCHINSON
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