1754 08 21 : Disbursements account at Blackhall

21 Aug 1754. DISBURSEMENTS ACCOUNT AT BLACKHALL. Bundle 52, Doc 22. 16 cm x 10 cm. C. 272 R: 119. Geor: SEWELL Blackl: Wears. 0 : 19 : 2, 21st: Augst: 1754 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geor: SEWELL Disburstmts: at wears & Plantg. at Blackhall 1753 ––– £ = s = d 20 Days at the Wears at 10d: per 0 : 16 : 8 5 Days at 6d: per Plantg: Quicks 0 : 2 : 6 —————- 0 : 19 : 2 —————- 21st: Augst: 1754 –– Recd: of Sr. Ph: MUSGRAVE Bart: per Christ: DOBSON Nineteen Shillings in full for the above Accot: by me [signed] George SEWELL
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