1751 08 05 : Receipt for a deduction from rent due to damp

05 Aug 1751. RECEIPT FOR A DEDUCTION FROM RENT DUE TO DAMP. Bundle 50, Doc 15. 17 cm x 5 cm. C. 234. R. 129. Ino: HETHERINGTON Deduction of Rent 0 : 12 : 0 5th: Augst: 1751. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. August 1751. Recd: of Sr. Ph: MUSGRAVE Bart: per Chr DOBSON twelve Shillings in full for a Yrs. Deduction out of the Rent of part of a House at Kirkoswd: it lying empty on Accot: of its being Damp I say Recd: by me Wittness [signed] George DIXON Jno. HETHERINGTON’s H Mark