1764 08 16 : Margaret NOBLE's wages receipt

Update on Monday, June 27, 2011 at 4:31PM by
Petra Mitchinson

16 Aug 1764. MARGARET NOBLE’S WAGES RECEIPT. Bundle 54, Doc 24. 16 cm x 5 cm. Two small bookworm holes. C. 104. R. 107. Margt: NOBLE – Wages 6 : 0 : 0, 16th. Augst: 1764 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 16. August 1764. Recd: of Sr: Ph: MUSGRAVE Bart: per Chr: DOBSON Six pounds in full for one years wages due to me the 13th. day of March last past as witness my hand ––––––– [signed] Margt. NOBLE
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