1749 06 08 : Court Baron entries paper, Manor of Bleatarn

08 Jun 1749. COURT BARON ENTRIES PAPER, MANOR OF BLEATARN. Bundle 55, Doc 5. 31 cm x 19.5 cm. One small tear. 8th. June 1749 Manor } of } Entries – Bleatarn } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Manor } of } Entries 8th. June 1749 – Soulby } Bleatarn } Frances RICHARDSON on Surrr. } and Alienation of Sister & Heir } Fine Rent of Richd: RICHARDSON admitted to } a Moiety of a Parcel of Ground called } 1 . 15 . – 5s . – Stockings of the yearly Indre Rent of } five Shills. ––– } Carleton ATKINSON on Surrr. of } 11 – 2½ John HUTTON admitted to a parcel } of Land, called Langlands & a Close } 3 . 18 . 5½ Q: called Dent Nook of the y~rly Ind~re } Rent of 11s.2 ½ }