1751 08 02 : Rent for liberty to erect wears at Blackhall

02 Aug 1751. RENT FOR LIBERTY TO ERECT WEARS AT BLACKHALL. Bundle 50, Doc 17. 17 cm x 5 cm. C. 234. R. 126. John SEWELL Rent – 0 : 2 : 6 2d: Augst: 1751. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2d. August 1751. Recd: of Sr. Ph: MUSGRAVE Bt: per Christ: DOBSON half a Crown in full for 5 Years Rent for liberty to to Erect wears on his Estate at Blackhall to preserve the Demesn due last Lady day Recd I say by me Jno. SEWELs + Mark
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