1764 07 24 : Butcher's account

24 Jul 1764. BUTCHER’S ACCOUNT. Bundle 54, Doc 3. 20.5 cm x 16.5 cm. Some damp staining, lots of small holes and one edge tear. C. 104. R. 95. Wm: READHEAD &c Provisions 9 : 5 : 0, 24. July 1765. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Bt Wm. READHEAD s d 29th. May 93 pd Beef at 3/½ pr pd £ 1 7 = 1½ Do hough 1/6 3 pd Suet 1 2 = 6 Do qr. Lamb 1/9 4 Sweet Breds 5 2 = 2 Do qr Mutton 12 pd 3/6 Tongue 1/2 4 = 8 16th. June 2 qr. Mutton 24 pd at 3/¼ pr pd 6 = 6 Do qr Lamb 1 = 4 19 Do 35 pd Beef at 3/⅓ pr pd 10 = 11 Do Tongue 1s a pd Suet 8 1 = 8 Do Leg Veal 2/9 gang feet 2d 1 = 11 Do qr Mutton 16 pd at 3/¼ pr pd 4 = 4 30 Do 2 qr Mutton 29 pd Beef 7 = 3 Do qr Lamb 1/6 Brest Veal feet 1/3 2 = 9 ———————— Wm. READHEAD’s Bill 3 = 13 = 1½ Wm. CASTLOW’s Do: 5 : 10 : ———————— 9 : 3 : 0 ——————— 24. July 1764. Recd. of Sr. Ph: MUSGRAVE Bart: by Chr. DOBSON Nine pounds & three Shillings in full payment of ye above two Bills by us [signed] Wm. READHEAD [signed] Will CASTLOW