1730 04 15 : Bleatarn Court Baron verdict

15 Apr 1730. BLEATARN COURT BARON VERDICT. Bundle 55, Doc 14. 42 cm x 32 cm, folded in half to make four pages, but only the first page is written on. Dirty on back with large tear and hole. The form was not completed – the names of the jury were recorded but no indication that they were sworn, and the verdict was blank. Bleatarn Verdict 15th. April 1730 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bleatarn Verdict 6th. May 1731 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Maner de } Cur~ Leet & Vis~ Franc Pleg~ necnon [?] Capital~ Bleatarn } Cur~ Baron~ & Customar~ ac Cur~ Dimission~ in Com~ Westmorland } Christopheri MUSGRAVE Barrtti. D~ni Man~ij prd~ tent~ apud Bleatarn in & pro Man~io prd~ decimo quinto die Aprilis Anno R~ni D~ni ar~i [?] Georgij Sc~di nunc Regis Magnæ Britann~ &c t~cio Annoque D~ni 1730 per Thomam SIMPSON Gen~ Seneschall~ Cur~ ib~m. No~ia Jur~ ad inquirend~ per D~no Rege ac Corpore Com~no Man~ij &c Joh~es RICHARDSON } Antonius CARLETON Ric~us RICHARDSON senr. } Thomas ABRAM Ed~ius HOLLYDAY } Georgius PARK Christopherus RUDD } Will~us SPOONER Joh~es WILSON } Thomas MARTINDALE Joh~es ROBINSON } Will~us SPOONER Joh~es LAMB } Chr~us STEADMAN Qui quidem Jur~ jurat~ & ordat~ dicunt & prsentant super Sacrm~ San~ in hijs anglicanis verbis sequen~ vizt.