1751 08 02 : Prescription receipt for tithe hay for Blackhall

02 Aug 1751. PRESCRIPTION RECEIPT FOR TITHE HAY FOR BLACKHALL. Bundle 50, Doc 18. 16.5 cm x 6.5 cm. C. 234. R. 124. Ino: STANWIX Esqr Blackl: Prescripn 0 : 13 : 4 2d: Augst: 1751 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10 Apral 1751 Received of Sir Phil MUSGRAVE and Christo DOBSON thertan Shiliangs and four pence in full for one years Prescription for tythe Hay for Blackhall Demane Due mickles Last to madger STANIX for whose ues Received by me [signed] Thos. LITTLE plac’d to Accot: 2d: Augt 1751.
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