1754 06 08 : Wages account for additional house servants

08 Jun 1754. WAGES ACCOUNT FOR ADDITIONAL HOUSE SERVANTS. Bundle 51, Doc 43. 16 cm x 9.5 cm. C. 268. R. 75. Amy & Margt: Wages 1 : 3 : 6 8. June 1754 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wages paid to Additional Servants whilst Sr: Philip was at Edenhall May 1754 ~ To Amy MATTHEWS the Cook 0 : 13 : 6 To Margt: DAYSON the Housemaid 0 : 10 : 0 —————- 1 : 3 : 6 —————- 8. June 1754. Recd. of Sr. Ph: MUSGRAVE Bart: by Christ: DOBSON twenty three Shills: & Six pence for Wages pd. to the Above Servts. by me ––––– [signed] Margt: NOBLE