1754 02 07 : Account for stones for Highbankhill

07 Feb 1754. ACCOUNT FOR STONES FOR HIGHBANKHILL. Bundle 51, Doc 17. 16 cm x 9 cm. This account gives details for an item in Doc 16. Chr. FIDLER. 2 : 12 : 0 7. Febr: 1754. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chr. FIDLERs Accot: for Buildings at H.bankhill 66 yds: of Wall at the Porch & Tewfall } Getting & Carr: at 8½ per yd: } 2 : 6 : 9 31 feet of Hewn Stone at 1d per : 2 : 7 11 Stepps to the Granery Do: : 2 : 9 —————- 2 : 12 : 1 —————- 7. Febr: 1754. Recd: of Sr: Ph: MUSGRAVE Bt: per Chr DOBSON two pounds & twelve Shills: in full of the above by Chr. FIDLERs A M~k Wittness. [signed] George DIXON
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