1753 12 20 : Carpenter's account for work at Lupton

20 Dec 1753. CARPENTER’S ACCOUNT FOR WORK AT LUPTON. Bundle 53, Doc 16. 23 cm x 20 cm. Edge tear. Doc 16 together with Docs 2-15 was wrapped inside Doc 1 and refers to one item in the account in Doc 1. John GIBSON – Carpinter – 7 : 19 : 8. 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1753 Work done for Sr Phillip MUSGRAVE per order Hen: STEPHNSON £ s d 4 Doz 5 gists att 5d pr gist 1 1 : 11 } £ s d 800 Sap Laths at 1s . 3d per hund 0 : 10 : 0 } 1 : 16 : 7 4 days gisting Self and men 0 : 4 : 8 } for Seeling house over } ———————————————————————————————— wood for tow-fall 43 foott oakwood att 10d pr foot 1 : 15 : 10 } 6 Doz Sparrs att 2s : 6d 0 : 15 : 0 } 35½ foot ash for Loft att 5d½ ft 0 : 16 : 3 } October ye 23 Self and 2 men and Boy 0 : 4 : 0 } do 24 : 25 ye 26 tow men and Boy 0 : 10 : 10 } 4 : 19 : 7 Nov ye 12 Self 2 men and Boy 0 : 4 : 0 } ye 20 Self and Man 2 : 4 } Decm ye 3 Self and 2 men 0 : 3 : 6 } ye 4 2 men and Boy 0 : 2 : 10 } ye 5 man and Boy att Stable Bouse 1 : 8. } 20 foott Oak Bords for Stable Bous 3 : 4 } ———————————————————————————————— s d Carage paid for gists and Laths 9 3 } Carrage pd for timber and Bords 11 : 0 } 0 : 14 : 3 ———————————————————————————————— Lintale for porch and Sparrs } 0 : 1 : 3 12 foot oakwood for Lintales and Soletrees } 0 : 8 : 0 ———————- £ 7 : 19 : 8 ———————- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dec 20 1753 Red of Hen STEPHENSON 7£ = 19s = 8d being } the full Contents of the within bill } 7 : 19 : 8 by me [signed] John GIBSON

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