1751 06 07 : Housekeeper's cloth account

07 Jun 1751. HOUSEKEEPER’S CLOTH ACCOUNT. Bundle 50, Doc 3. 15 cm x 8 cm. C. 232. R. 95. Margt: NOBLE Cloth Accot: 3 : 7 : 9. 7th: June 1751. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Margt: NOBLEs Accot: for Cloth &c in April 1751. 18 pods: of Lint at 18d: per 1 : 7 : 0 Sping: 36 Hanks at 8d: per 1 : 4 : 0 Boyling Do: – : 2 : 3 Whiteng: 28 yds: at 1d½ per – : 3 : 6 11 yds: of Cloth for coarse Sheets – : 11 : – —————- 3 : 7 : 9 —————- 7th: June 1751. Recd: of Christo: DOBSON three pods: Seven Shills: & nine pence in full of the above laid out by me [signed] Margt NOBLE

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