1754 03 02 : Waller's account for building at Lupton

02 Mar 1754. WALLER’S ACCOUNT FOR BUILDING AT LUPTON. Bundle 53, Doc 2. 21 cm x 20.5 cm. Doc 2 together with Docs 3-16 was wrapped inside Doc 1 and refers to one item in the account in Doc 1. Thos: SILL – Waller 3 : 4 : 3 2. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dec 15 1753 Work done by Thos. SILL Waller by the order of Henery STEPHENSON for the Use of Sir Phillip MUSGRAVE Baranet. Measure of the out cast at Lupton Hall. Yds. F I } The length about 16 = 2 = 8 } Yds. F The height is 3 = 1 = 6 } Measure 68 = 6 at 4d½ The Ends above the Square } £ S D The Breidth is 4 – 1 – 2 } The Sum 1 = 5 = 9 The Height is 2 – 0 – 6 } —————————————————————————————————————————————————- Days Work Day Breaching a door 1 } making plaster Thos. SILL & Son 2 } Latting and plastring 7 } A nailor [?] 3 } 27. days } Paving ye. Door Thos SILL & Son 2 } 6. Do. below } at 14d: per – Paving ye. Shuppon 2 } Breaking a door 1 } The Porch 3 } Tearing ye. Slate & beam filling 4 } And Son 2 } —————————————————————————————————————————————————- £ S D Walling at Lupton Mill The Barn side The Sum 1 = 18 = 6 Thos. SILL 3 days And Son 3 days ——————- in all 3 : 4 : 3 ——————— march 2 1754 Recd the full Contents of this bill of Hen: STEPHENSON by me [signed] Thomas SILL
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