1751 01 24 : Receipt for ten bushels of rye

24 Jan 1750/1. RECEIPT FOR TEN BUSHELS OF RYE. Bundle 49, Doc 35. 20.5 cm x 8.5 cm. C. R. Lord Carlisle Rye ~ 3 : 3 : 0 24th: Janr: 1750. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Dr. to the Hono~ble Earl of Carlisle 1750 £ S d Decbr 12 To 10 Bushell of Townfoot Ry at 7s 3 : 10 : 0 Rec~ed 24th. January 1750 of Sr. Phillip MUSGRAVE Barrt by Mr. Chr~ DOBSONs order Three pounds Ten Shill~s for the above Bill Rec~d for the Earl Carlisle One Bushel was for C. D. } [signed] John NOWELL Deduct – 7s –––––– }