1764 06 09 : Pay receipt for washing servants' linen

09 Jun 1764. PAY RECEIPT FOR WASHING SERVANTS’ LINEN. Bundle 54, Doc 8. 16.5 cm x 5 cm. Several tiny holes, and one corner crumbled away. C. 104. R. [ ] Ino. SANDERS[ON] Washg: Servts: Linn: 1 : 19 : 0, 9. June 1764. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9. June 1764. Recd. of Sr. Ph: MUSGRAVE Bart: by Chr: DOBSON One pod: & Nineteen Shills: in full for Washing the 3 Out Servts. Linnen for one Year due this Whitsuntide by me [signed] John SANDERSON
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