1751 03 26 : Sir Philip MUSGRAVE's receipt for £100 cash

26 Mar 1751. SIR PHILIP MUSGRAVE’S RECEIPT FOR £100 CASH. Bundle 49, Doc 1. 20.5 cm x 16 cm. Staining from a round red seal on the outside. Apart from the steward’s summary, all written in Sir Philip’s handwriting. C. 230. R. 58. Sr Ph: MUSGRAVE Cash £ 100 : 0 : 0 26. March 1751. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ March 26. 1751. Recd of Chr: DOBSON a Bill for One Hundred pounds. to be placed to my acct. [signed] Phil MUSGRAVE on WHEELER £ 100 – I have only time to acknowledge yr remittance as above, & express my concern to receive no better acct. of yr boy, but hope he having strength to bear so much may still weather it out. As to Birket you must endeavour to do without Ld Thanet, or at least without my personal application to him. I am yrs &c [signed] Phil MUSGRAVE
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