1753 12 24 : Receipt for a window for the granary at Lupton

24 Dec 1753. RECEIPT FOR A WINDOW FOR THE GRANARY AT LUPTON. Bundle 53, Doc 6. 17 cm x 7 cm. Doc 6 together with Docs 2-5 and 7-16 was wrapped inside Doc 1 and refers to one item in the account in Doc 1. Wm: HODGSHON Granry: Window 0 : 2 : 6, 12. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dec 24 1753 Red of Hen: STEPHENSON 2s : 6d for afroston [?] } s d window for the Corn Loft att Lupton } 2 6 and Carrige to the plase by me mark william W H HODGON

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