1751 01 19 : Soccage rent account for Blackhall

19 Jan 1750/1. SOCCAGE RENT ACCOUNT FOR BLACKHALL. Bundle 49, Doc 41. 16 cm x 9.5 cm. C. 230. R. 37. Duke of Portland Blackl. Rent 1 : 18 : 10 19. Janr: 1750 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Years Soccage Rent for Blackhall Demn: } £ : s : d & Carlisle Field due Michs: 1749. } 0 : 19 : 5 A Years Ditto due Michaelms: 1750 0 : 19 : 5 —————— 1 : 18 : 10 —————— 19th: Janry: 1750 ~ Recd: of Sr. Philip MUSGRAVE Bart. per Christ DOBSON one pound eighteen Shillings & ten pence in full for the above Rent due as above to his Grace ye Duke of Portland for whose use I say Recd: by me ––––––– [signed] Robert NORMAN
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