1754 05 27 : Expenses account for building at Lupton

27 May 1754. EXPENSES ACCOUNT FOR BUILDING AT LUPTON. Bundle 53, Doc 1. 19 cm x 16 cm. Doc 1 was wrapped around Docs 2-16 and contains the summary of all the items in the other documents. A tuefall or to-fall is a lean-to or shed. C. 268. R. 67. Sundry: Persons Lupton Buildg: 21 : 13 : 10 27. May 1754. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sundr Charges Buildg a Tewfall & repairing side wall and ceiling the dwelling House at Lupton 1754 – £ s d To John GIBSON Carpinter 7 : 19 : 8 Thos: SILL the Waller 3 : 4 : 3. HERDSON for Slate & Sundries for Carriage 3 : 8 : 3 To the Slater & for Laths & Nails 0 : 14 : 9 To Jams: HARRISON for Getting Stones 1 : 1 : 0 To John PICKERING for Lime & Sand 1 : 16 : 0 To a Kiln full of Lime 28 Bushl: 0 : 14 : 0 Jos HORNBY Ash Boards for Granry: floor 1 : 8 : 0 Isaac GREENWOOD Stones for a Porch 0 : 10 : 0 John ATKINSON Riggg: Stone for the Porch 0 : 1 : 9 Charles SHEPHERD Hair for Building 0 : 5 : 4 Wm: HODGSHON a Window for ye Granry. 0 : 2 : 6 Jams: MOORE for Lime & leadg: through Stones 0 : 4 : 4 Saml: TURNER the Smith Bill 0 : 4 : 0 ——————— 21 : 13 : 10 ——————— 27th. May 1754. Recd: of Sr. Ph: MUSGRAVE Bart: per Chr. DOBSON twenty one pods: thirteen shills: & ten pence in full for the Above Bills of Disburstmts: at Lupton laid out by me [signed] Hen STEPHENSON
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