1753 12 26 : Slater's receipt for work and nails at Lupton Hall

26 Dec 1753. SLATER’S RECEIPT FOR WORK AND NAILS AT LUPTON HALL. Bundle 53, Doc 13. 18 cm x 6.5 cm. Doc 13 was wrapped inside Doc 12, and both together with Docs 2-11 and 14-16 were wrapped inside Doc 1 and together refer to one of the items in the account in Doc 1. s Sclater – 8 – ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dec 26 1753 Red of Hen: STEPHENSON 8s for Sleating } att Lupton Hall 46 yards att 2d per yeard } 0 8 0 and Leveling the Spar ends : 6 } 1000 Lath Nails 0 : 2 : 1 by me [signed] Leonard SHAW

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