1764 07 28 : Labourers' wages account

28 Jul 1764. LABOURERS’ WAGES ACCOUNT. Bundle 54, Doc 16. 20 cm x 16 cm. Bookworm holes. C. 104. R. 99. Christ: DOBSON Labourers, 5 : 17 : 11½ 28. July 1764 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Labourers fm. ye 16 till the 28th. of July 1764 No. Labourer. No. of Days Price per Day Receipts Wages £. S. D. 1 Robt. IVESON 10¾ 16 Recd by R: IVESON’s R Mk – 13 8 2 Ino. DENT & WILSON 2½ 14 by [signed] John DENT – 2 11 3 Saml: WESTRA 7 8 by [signed] Sam WESTRA – 4 8 4 Jos: DALTON 5 15 by [signed] Jos DALTON – 6 4 5 Ino. SANDERSON { 6¾ { 4½ 14 } 12 } by [signed] John SANDERSON – 12 4½ 6 Josha. HARRISON 10½ 12 by Josha: HARRISON’s | mk – 10 6 7 Elis: LAVERICK 10 7 by [signed] Eliz: LAVRICK – 5 10 8 Anne BLAIN 8½ 7 by [signed] Ann BLANE – 5 – 9 Dor: CROW 7½ 6 by D: CROW’s O m~k – 3 9 10 Edwd. NICOLSON 12 12 by Ed: NICOLSON’s X m~k – 12 – 11 Wm: NICOLSON 10½ 5 by Do: – 4 4½ 12 Mary NICOLSON 10½ 5 by Do: – 4 4½ 13 Tho. DIXON 7 18d pd. at Kirkosd: – 10 6 14 His man 9 16 pd. at Do – 12 – 15 Ditto 8⅓ 14 pd. at Do: – 9 8 5 : 17 : 11½ 28. July 1764. Plac’d to the Acct. of Sir Ph: MUSGRAVE five pods: seventeen shills: & Eleven pence half penny in full for Wages paid to the above Labourers till this Day per me [signed] Chr. DOBSON
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