1754 03 09 : Labourers' wages account

09 Mar 1754. LABOURERS’ WAGES ACCOUNT. Bundle 51, Doc 35. 20 cm x 16 cm. C. 268. R. 46. Christ: DOBSON Labourers. 3 : 15 : 0½ 9th. March 1754 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Labourers from ye: 25 Febry: till the 9th: March 1754 No: Labourer. No. of days price per day Receipts Wages £ s d 1 Thos. STEPHENSON 11½ 7d Recd. by [signed] Thom: STEPHENSON – 6 8½ 2 James BLAIN 11½ 7 by J: BLAIN’s B Mk – 6 8½ 3 Robt: CANNON 11½ 7 by [signed] Rob CANNON – 6 8½ 4 Jno: MILNER 6 7 by [signed] John MILNER – 3 6 5 Ed: NICOLSON 12 8 by Ed: NICOLSON’s X M~k – 8 – 6 Ino. NICOLSON 11½ 4 by Do: – 3 10 7 Tho. NICOLSON 5 1 by Do: – – 5 8 Tho. SKILBECK 11 7 by [signed] Wm HETHERINGTON – 6 5 9 Tho: RICHARDSON 12½ 14d } by [signed] Tho RICHARDSON – 14 7 11 Geor. RICHARDSON 13 14d } – 15 2 12 Ino. DENT 3 12 by [signed] John DENT – 3 – 3 : 15 – ½ 9th: March 1754 Placed to the Accot: of Sr. Ph: MUSGRAVE Bart: the above Sum~ of three pounds fifteen Shillings and one half penny – in full for Wages paid to the above Labourers till this Day by me [signed] Chr DOBSON

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