1736 02 02 : William WHELPDALE's account with Sir Philip

02 Feb 1735/6. WILLIAM WHELPDALE’S ACCOUNT WITH SIR PHILIP. Bundle 33, Doc 49. 20 cm x 15.5 cm. One pinhole. Acct. wth Wm. WHELPDALE 23 : 0 : 0 ——————- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wm. WHELPDALE Esqr. Dr. to Sr Phil: MUSGRAVE Bt. The Remaining part of ye Principal Sum~e of } 54 pounds unpaid } 14 ~ ~ Int~. of 54 pounds from ye 31st. of May 1734 } till ye 1st. Novr. 1735 being 1 yr. & 5 Months } 3 16 6 2 Years Rent for part of Penrith Demn. } Lands due for ye years 1734 & 1735 } 5 ~ ~ ======== Int: of 14£: from ye 1st. of Novr. 1735 till } 22 16 6 Cands. 17356 being 3 Months } ~ 3 6 ======== 23 00 00