1735 02 01 : Thomas DASON's board wages receipt

Update on Saturday, February 26, 2011 at 2:48PM by
Petra Mitchinson

01 Feb 1734/5. THOMAS DASON’S BOARD WAGES RECEIPT. Bundle 42, Doc 11. 16 cm x 3.5 cm. Tho. DASON ½ yrs. Board due Marts. 1734. 2 : 5 : 0 (40.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1st. Febry. 1734/5 Rd. of Sr. Chr: MUSGRAVE Bt. per Chr: DOBSON ye Sum~ of two pound five shill~ in full for ½ yrs. Board for my son Thos. DASON due Marts. last per me John DASON’s I Mk
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