1790 08 15 : Letter from John STORY of Blackhall

15 Aug 1790. LETTER FROM JOHN STORY OF BLACKHALL. Bundle 47, Doc 32. 20 cm x 16 cm. John STORY 15th. Augst. 1790 – ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sir Blackhall the 15 augst 1790 I have Recved of Gorge BLAMIR tow pounds for Intrest due to Sr. Philip MUSGRAV: Send it by Mr HOLOMS with a Rect to Sin by you, thar is aman in Blackwell the nam of Gui WARICK who is a very trublesom man he Chargse me Eighten pence purvay for Blackhall Deman Mr DOBSON tould me that tow pence purvayvy was taken of in the year fifty thre by the Gentlemen Commissioners Sir you ould writ tow or thre lins to him that Sir Philip will not suffer any in Cumbarence to com on the Demain whan it has ben so long taken of I think he ould geve the mouny back it is only tow and tenpence yet that he has got wrong yet I have had varst truble with him abou tyith this tow years he Discharged me to tak the tyith way when it was Drie his own Cattell Distroed the Corn the sam night he took his away ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I put him in the Consester Court it Cost him better then tharty pounds and I got twise the value of the Corn so thank he will not trie the tow pence purvay if you writ to him if you have small ocks of barn wood I want tow Cart load for Rails very mutch this backend in so doin will mutch Oblige your asured frind [signed] John STORY