1729 : Proforma of a bond and draft of Edenhall rental

1729. PROFORMA OF A BOND AND DRAFT OF EDENHALL RENTAL. Bundle 33, Doc 41. 31.5 cm x 19.5 cm. Numerous edge tears. One corner (without any writing) torn off. One side contains the proforma wording of a bond. The other side has the beginning of a draft rental list for 1729. Copy of a Bond ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novt. universi per presentes nos ––––– de ––––– in Com ––––– & ––––– de ––––– in Com ––––– teneri & firmiter obligari ad ––––– de ––––– in Com~ ––––– in ––––– Libris bonæ & legal~ Monetæ Magn~ Britan~ solvend~ eidem ––––– aut suo certo attornaiti Executor~ vel admin~ suis ad qua~ quidem Solution~ bene & fideliter faciend~ obligam~ nos & utruiqi nostrum Heredes Execut~ & Adminrs. nostros firmiter per presentes Sigillis nostris sigillatis dat~ ––––– Die ––––– an~o R~ni D~ni n~ri Georgii 2di. nunc Regis Magn~ Britan~ Fran~ & Hybern~ Fidei defensor~ &c Ann~ Dni ––––– The Condic~on of ys. Obligat~on is such yt. if ye above bounden ––––– Their Heires Executrs. & Adminrs. do well & truely pay or Cause to be pd. unto ye above named ––––– his Heirs Exers. Adm~ors or Assigns ye full & Just Sum~e of ––––– of Good & lawfull Money of G. Brittain on ye ––––– Day of ––––– next hereafter ye Date thereof wch. will be in ye yr. of our Lord ––––– with full Consideracon for ye Same Yt. ys. obligac~on to be void or Else to remain in full force ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Rentall of Edenhall & Penrith 1729 due Mart & Whit: 17230 Recd. to Ms. 1729 Do. to Whit 1730. Edenhall James NELSON James BIRBECK inft. Willm. JOHNSON Mr. Chris: GIBSON [The remainder of the list is empty.]