1734 05 13 : Sess receipt for public bridges and county stock

13 May 1734. SESS RECEIPT FOR PUBLIC BRIDGES AND COUNTY STOCK. Bundle 33, Doc 23. 15 cm x 9 cm. John LANGHORNs Rect for ½ years Scess for Publick Bridges & County Stock May ye 12th 1734 0 : 7 : 6 (13) Exr. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ May ye 13th / 1734 / Recd. of Sr Christr. MUSGRAVE by ye Hands of Lan: SIMPSON five purveys and a half (at one shilling & sixpence per purvey) seven shillings and Sixpence in full for one half years scess for Publick Bridges and County Stock by me [signed] John LANGHORN
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