1737 11 24 : Receipt for grazing and fencing at Baron Wood

Update on Sunday, February 27, 2011 at 1:20PM by
Petra Mitchinson

24 Nov 1737. RECEIPT FOR GRAZING AND FENCING AT BARON WOOD. Bundle 48, Doc 17. 15 cm x 9 cm. C . 62. R . 30. Jos: STEPHENSON Bar: Wod. Allow 5 : 0 : 0 24. Novr. 1737. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 24. Novr. 1737. Recd. of Sr. Phil: MUSGRAVE Bt. per Chr: DOBSON five pounds in full for one Yrs. lot of Eatage of the Spring of Wood and Fencing in the same till Candls. 1736. at Baron Wood per me [signed] Jos STEPHENSON
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