1734 06 08 : Account for turf for the great terrace walk

Update on Friday, February 25, 2011 at 10:45PM by
Petra Mitchinson

08 Jun 1734. ACCOUNT FOR TURF FOR THE GREAT TERRACE WALK. Bundle 35, Doc 1. 21 cm x 16 cm. June 8th. 1734 Gilbert ROSS Receipt (3) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Bill for Turf got for ye Great Tarris Walk &c at threpence per Hunndred Seven Thousand five Hundred and sixty £ 0 – 18 10½ June 8th. 1734 Rec~d from Sr. Chr. MUSGRAVE per William LEWTHWAITE Eighteen shillings & 10d ½ in full for the Contents Abve per [signed] Gilbert ROSS