1735 04 28 : Account for work at mill & kiln at Great Musgrave

28 Apr 1735. ACCOUNT FOR WORK AT MILL & KILN AT GREAT MUSGRAVE. Bundle 47, Doc 2. 16 cm x 10 cm. Was wrapped inside Doc 1 together with Docs 3-26. Wm. CALE for work at G: Musgrave Mill & Kilne 0 . 5 : 0 (16.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Work don for Sr. Chrr. MUSGRAVE Barrt by Wm. CALE at great Musgrave Novr. 18th 1734 for 3 days Lyeing Anew the Kill Bokes & work at the mill 3s Shill~ for walling up Sr. Chrs. share in the Kill side £ 0 : 0 : 6 midd Aprill 1735 for makeing A new gate & hanging the same at the Heaning next Blandses £ 0 : 1 : 6 –––– ———————————————————————————- in all £ 0 : 5 : 0 28th Aprill 1735 Recd. of Thos RUDD five shill~s. by me Wm. CALE mark W