1734 05 13 : Poor sess receipt for Blackhall

13 May 1734. POOR SESS RECEIPT FOR BLACKHALL. Bundle 33, Doc 21. 19.5 cm x 10.5 cm. John BLAMIRE’s Rect for ½ years Poore Ssess for Blackhall May ye 12 / 1 5 : 6 1734 (11) Exr. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ May ye 13th / 1734 / Recd of Sr Christr: MUSGRAVE by ye hands of Lancelot SIMPSON one pound five shillings and Sixpence in full for seventeen purveys for poor sess for Blackhall at 1s & 6d per purvey for ye last half yeare’s pore scess Due at Lady Day 1734 by me [signed] Ino. BLAMIRE
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