1735 10 06 : Thomas RUDD's disbursements account

06 Oct 1735. THOMAS RUDD’S DISBURSEMENTS ACCOUNT. Bundle 47, Doc 1. 38 cm x 31 cm. Folded in half to make four pages. Two large holes along central fold (probably gnawed by mice) and two smaller holes – fortunately with little loss of writing. Docs 2-26 were wrapped inside Doc 1 and are the receipts for the disbursements referred to in this account. Thos. RUDDs Wages & Disbmts. from Michs. 1734 to M[ich]s. 1735 33 : 15 : 75/6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Disbursments from Michms. 1734 to Michms. 1735 for Sr. Chrr: MUSGRAVE Barrt. —————————————————————————————————————————————————— by TR Octr. 21th pd. Clerk wages Due Novr. 6th } for the Castle to John THOMPSON } 0 : 2 : 0 √ Octr. 22d. pd to Isaac HARKER half year Land } Tax due Michms. } 2 : 19 : 4½ √ Aprill 22d. pd. to Ditto. half year Land Tax } for Demane due Ladyday } 2 : 19 : 4½ √ May 7th pd. to Isaac HARKER County Sess 0 : 4 : 2 √ June 16th pd to Isaac HARKER poor sess for } Demane 6d. pr. week to Michms. 1735 } 1 : 6 : 0 √ ————————————————————————————————— Totall Assessments upon Demane 7 : 10 : 11 7 – 10 – 11 ——————- Assessments upon Hutton & Barns Tent. Rudds. house & Raukstroy Lak Octr. 17th pd to Hen: SMALMAN Heird wages } for Lakes & Birkett Cattle gattes } 0 : 3 : 6 √ 21th Clerk wages for Hutton & Barns Ladfoot } & Rudds. Houses to John THOMPSON .} 0 : 1 : 2 - 22d. pd to Isaac HARKER Land Tax 0 : 2 : 9 √ Jan: 23d. pd. to Do. Neat Geld 0 : 0 : 3 - Aprill 9th pd. to Edwd. BLENKARNE Church sess 0 : 5 : 8½ √ 22d. pd. to Isaac HARKER Land Tax } due Ladyday half year } 0 : 2 : 9 √ May 7th pd. to Isaac HARKER Towne sess 0 : 2 : 9 √ ————————————- 0 : 18 : 10 0 – 18 – 10 ——————- Sessements for Winton Accar Octr. 16th. pd. to Mr. BURN Land Tax 0 : 0 : 2 - Jan. 27th pd. to Charles HASTWELL Lords rent 0 : 0 : 4 - [A]prill 14 pd. to Wm. HASTWELL Land Tax 0 : 0 : 2 - 14th pd. to Regd. SCAIFE Church sess 0 : 0 : 1½ - pd. to Wm. HASTWELL poor sess 0 : 0 : 1½ - pd. to Ditto. Towne Sess 0 : 0 : 2 - ——————- 0 : 1 : 1 : 0 – 1 – 1 ——————- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Disbursments for repairs &c from Michms. 1734 to Michms. 1735 for Sr. Chrr. MUSGRAVE Barronett by TR ——————————————————————————————————————————— Octr. 14th pd to Isaac HARKER Overseer half the } Charge for repairing Eden Bridge } 0 : 3 : 0 √ 21th pd. to Wm. HUTCHINSON for Cutting A } ditch 18 yards Cross an Iland in the Hills } 0 : 4 : 6 √ Beck to prevent its. overflowing Low Close } 28th pd. for Calling the Heaning & Leases to } Lett & Sale of wood } 0 : 0 : 4 - Novr. 2d. pd to Edwd. CUNNINGHAM for two } days Quarying Stons at Hartley Castle } 0 : 1 : 4 - 9th. pd to Lant. HUTCHINSON for graveing } Turf wattleing Thatching & Service } 0 : 6 : 10 √ at new Close house } 18th pd. to Geo: MASON for Cutting Anew the } old Lettrs & year Over the G Barn dowrs } 0 : 2 : 6 - Jan 21th pd. to Lant. HUTCHINSON for graveing } Turf rigging & Thatching & service } 0 : 4 : 10 √ at Hills Byre } 27th pd to Isaac THOMPSON for nails to Musgrave } Millwheel 3s. & hartley Lowmill 3d. } 0 : 3 : 3 - Feb 24th pd. to Thos FOTHERGILL for slateing part } of G Barn Portch & Ditto. for service } 0 : 2 : 6 - 24th pd. to Geo: COLINWOOD & John MAN } for Latts & Nails } 0 : 2 : 0 - March 8th pd. to Jams. HUTCHINSON & Richd. HARTON } for Quarying 150 Cartload of Stones at } 1 : 18 : 1 √ gramsque Stile at 3d. pr. Load given in ale 7d } Aprill 14th pd for Calling Sir Chrrs. Courts in Westmerland 0 : 0 : 8 - 28th pd. Willm. CALE his Bill for work at } great Musgrave Mill & Kill } 0 : 5 : 0 √ May 22d. pd. to the grovers for filling up groveholls } in high Longrigg & Birkett } 0 : 1 : 0 - June 2d. pd. to John RUDD Neatgeld Due for the } Mannor of Soulby at St. Andrew day } 1 : 6 : 8 √ Last to the Earl of Thennet } 8th to Wm. DENT for paper to Sr. Chrr. use 0 : 0 : 10 - ——————- 5 : 3 : 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ June 9th pd. to Phil: RUDD & John HAYTON for } Leading Stons & walling Anew 38 Rood of } wall betwixt High Longrigg & Clockhow } 2 : 13 : 10 √ 1s : 5d pd } 10th pd to John RICHDSON for mending the } Smeltmill dowr Lock } 0 : 0 : 6 - 11th According to Mr. SIMPSONs. Agreement } pd to Geo: LONGSTAFFE for the way through } his grounds. to Soulby Mill from Chrisms. } 0 : 10 : 0 - till Ladyday } Augt. 18th pd. to Robt. WHARTON his Bill for Leading } walling stones Timber & Slate to the } Cart house at great Barn dowrs & turf } 1 : 14 : 6 √ & Stones to new Closehouse } 18th pd to Thos. RAILTON for 5 days walling } & Repairing Stone fence in high } 0 : 4 : 2 √ Longrigg head next winton Pasture } 18th pd to Phil: RUDD & John HAYTON for } * allowed off * for Leading Stones & walling 10 rood } 0 : 11 : 0 √ 9s for liberty of wall in the Hills next Eden £ 1 : 0 : 0 } of ye Quarry Sepr. 29th pd to mattw. YARKER his Bill for iron } work to Farmers 1735 } 0 : 2 : 8 √ pd Sir Chrr. Cor~. rent at Little Musgrave } for Spencer & Lancaster Tent. } 0 : 9 : 6 Ditto. ye Services 0 : 0 : 52/6 pd HEDERTONs. Indenter rent at Soulby } an old Dispute } 0 : 1 : 6½ pd for Ahen [?] upon Hutton Tent at Hartley 0 : 0 : 4 ———————- 6 : 8 : 55/6 5 : 3 : 4 ————————- 11 : 11 : 95/6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sir Chrrs. Sheep Charge in westmerland 1735 pd. by TR ——————————————————————————————————————————————————— Novr. 14th to Edwd. BOWSFIELD for Carrying 4 sheep } to Edenhall } 0 : 1 : 0 Aprill 1th Expence in Bringing up geld Sheep 0 : 1 : 3 May 2d. Expence in Brining up Ews & Lambs 0 : 1 : 9 June 4th pd to John WHARTON for one Bushall } Malt 8s. Brandy for the washers 6d. } 0 : 8 : 6 20th to 4 washers 0 : 4 : 0 to 5 Servers at washing 0 : 2 : 0 22d. pd. to 17 Cleppers 0 : 8 : 6 to Eight Servers at Clepping 0 : 3 : 3 pd. for help to Attendance betwixt } washing & Clepping } 0 : 1 : 0 to Mary PATTRIG for wool winding 0 : 0 : 6 29th pd to Mattw. YARKER for 10 quarts of } Farm Marking } 0 : 3 : 4 Augt. 18th Expences in Carrying Lambs to Edenhall 0 : 1 : 2 Sepr. 13th Expence in Carrying old sheep to Edenhall 0 : 2 : 0 pd. to Mr. RYECROFT for 21 Tythe fleces } at 6d pr fleece 2 Lambs } 0 : 10 : 6 ———————————————————————————————————————————— Totall 1 : 9 : 3 ====================== Assessmts. for Hartley Demesn 7 : 10 : 11 Do. for Lands Bought 0 : 18 : 10 Winton Acre 0 : 1 : 1 Other Repairs within ye Man~ors & outgoings 11 : 11 : 95/6 Disburstments abt. ye Sheep 1 : 9 : 3 One yrs. Wages due ye 12th. Janry. 1734/5 10 : 0 : 0 One y~rs. Expences to Michs. 1735 1 : 0 : 0 Repairs of ye Tools at Birket grove 0 : 5 : 3 For a large washing Tub & Rope } & a sive for Do. Grove } 0 : 18 : 6 ————————- 33 : 15 : 75/6 ————————- 6th. October 1735 Recd. of Sr. Chr: MUSGRAVE per Chr: DOBSON ye Same Sum~[e] of thirty thirty three pounds fifteen Shillings & Seven pence five placks being in full of ye above Acct. to Michs. 1735 per me [signed] Thos. RUDD