1735 03 : Account for work done at New Close house

Mar 1734/5. ACCOUNT FOR WORK DONE AT NEW CLOSE HOUSE. Bundle 47, Doc 23. 15 cm x 9.5 cm. Was wrapped inside Doc 1 together with Docs 2-22 and 24-26, with Docs 24 and 25 wrapped inside this Doc. No date except “March” in the steward’s summary, but in a bundle of receipts from 1734-35. New Close House 2 : 17 : 8 (2.) March. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Work done per Phill: RUDD for Sr. Chr: MUSGRAVE Bart. Walling ye Newclose House Wall & } Leading Stones 79 Yards } 2 : 12 : 8 at 8d per Yard } 2 days Working at ye Timber } myself & man & dressing } 0 : 5 : 0 ye Groundwork 1 Day } —————- 2 : 17 : 8 —————- Recd. of Sr. Chr: MUSGRAVE Barrt. per Chr: DOBSON ye Sum~e of two pound Seventeen Shills. in full of this Bill per me [signed] Philip RUD
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