1728 12 14 : Glazier's account

14 Dec 1728. GLAZIER’S ACCOUNT. Bundle 33, Doc 53. 31 cm x 19.5 cm. One edge crumpled and torn. Anto: HEWITSON Gleshuer Bill ———————— 3 – 9 – 0 ———————— 13 Decr 1728 ——————- C 4 5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sr. Chris: MUSGRAVE Dr. to Antho. HEWERSON Glazr. £ s d 1727/8 One Casemt. mending over ye Stable –––––– 6 Putting in 5 Squares & mending a Garden Glass ––––– 11 Febry. 7th. To 4 Garden Glasses mending ––– 1 : 6 8th. Mending 2 Casemts. Sqr. Glass & Sowdering in ye frames ––– 1 : 4 For putting in one Square –––––– 1 16 Pains putting into ye Garden Glasses –––––– 8 10th. One One Light mending in ye Stable & putting in 1 Squr. –––––– 7 2 Squares putting in ye Lamp –––––– 6 Apr. 5th. } One Window renewed in ye Cellar –––––– 6 1728 } Mending a Casemt. over ye Stable –––––– 4 June 6. Mending 8 Lights for new Smiths Shop ––– 3 ––– for mending a Casemt. in ye. Gardenrs. Room –––––– 2 14th. One Light mending in ye. Brewhouse & put: in 3 squr. –––––– 4½ Putting in 2 Sash Pains & mending 1 pain –––––– 8 Mending one light in ye. Brewhouse –––––– 3 One Window wrought in N. Lead for ye Cellar 12f.3in~. at 22d ––– 2 : 6½ 4 Windows Do. for Gallery behind ye Hall 33f:5in~: at 2d½ ––– 6 : 11½ Decr. 11th. 5 Squares putting in –––––– 5 One small Light new Leaded in Old G. Parlour Closet –––––– 6½ Mending one Light in ye. Brewhouse –––––– 3 4 Small pains & 2 Squares putting in –––––– 4 Putting in on Sash pain –––––– 2 ——————- 1 : 02 : 7 ——————- Sr. Chr~ MUSGRAVE Dr. to Antho. HEWRSON for Glazrs work at Mains House per } Kirkoswd } Augt. 22d. 21 Lights of New Glass of different Size 107 foot at 5d 2 : 4 : 8½ 2 Lights wrought in New Lead 5f : 8in~ ––– 1 : 5 2 Lights mending at ye End of ye Barn –––––– 10 ———————- 2 : 5 : 11½ 1 – 2 – 7 ———————- Totell 3 – 9 – 6½ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 14 Decr 1728 Recd of Sr Chr MUSGRAVE Brt per Geo GIBSON the within Content in full of all demands per me being three pound nine Shill and six pens per me [signed] Anthony HEWETSON