1734 12 28 : Thomas DAYSON's wages receipt

Update on Saturday, February 26, 2011 at 2:05PM by
Petra Mitchinson

28 Dec 1734. THOMAS DAYSON’S WAGES RECEIPT. Bundle 41, Doc 13. 15 cm x 10 cm. Some numbers on the back not transcribed. Tho: DAYSONs Rect for ½ years wages Due Marts 1734 2 : 3 : 9 Dr: 28 / 1734 (17.) Exr. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Decr: ye 28 / 1734 Recd of Sr Christr: MUSGRAVE Barrt per Lan: SIMPSON two pound three shillings and ninepence in full for one halfe years wages Due Martinmas Whitsontide 1734 by me Tho: DAYSONs T mark