1737 10 19 : Lady MUSGRAVE's jointure account

19 Oct 1737. LADY MUSGRAVE’S JOINTURE ACCOUNT. Bundle 48, Doc 16. Two pieces of paper: The first measures 30 cm x 7.5 cm and contains the steward’s summary and the account. The second was wrapped into the first, measures 15 cm x 9 cm and has Lady MUSGRAVE’s instruction on one side and Mr RAINCOCK’s receipt on the other. C . 62 R . 19 Lady MUSGRAVE Jointure. 236 : 7 : 0 19. Oct. 1737. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sr Phil: MUSGRAVE Bt. To Lady MUSGRAVE Dr. per Contra 1737. £ 29 Sept. To half Yrs. Jointure 250 : 0 : 0 per Cash pd. Mrs. LUMLEY on } Ms. Ann’s Accot. } 10 : 10 : 0 per Christening fees at Cam~o 3 : 3 : 0 per Ball: due 236 : 7 : 0 ——————— 250 : 0 : 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr DOBSON Pay to Mr John RAINCOCK the Sum of two hundred & thirty Six Pound’s Seven Shilling wch. place to Account of Philip MUSGRAVE Octr. 15. 1737 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rec~ed the 19 Octobr. 1737 of Mr Chris: DOBSON the full Contents of the within note per me [signed] John RAINCOCK