1734 07 10 : Stationer's account

10 Jul 1734. STATIONER’S ACCOUNT. Bundle 33, Doc 30. 19.5 cm x 16 cm. Crinkled file folds. Mr CORNEYs Bill & Rect: for 2 : 3 : 5½ July ye 10 / 1734 (3) Exr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sr. Cr. MUSGRAVE Barrt. Bt. of Thos. CORNEY Mrch 11th. } To Goods as per Note of Parti~lrs Given } £ s d 1733 } to Mr. SIMPSON } 1 : 18 : 0 15th. Per Mr. LUTHET 1 qt. paper 0 : 0 : 9 April 16th. } 1734 } 1 weeks preparation for Sr. Cr. 0 : 1 : 0 22d Per Mr. LUTHET 1 qt. paper 0 : 0 : 10½ May 30th Per Mr. Thos. SIMPSON 1 Prince of Orange} wedding } 0 : 0 : 7 June 11th. Per Mr. LUTHET 2 qts. paper at 7d 0 : 1 : 2 July 9th. Per Mr. SIMPSONs order 1 qt. paper 0 : 0 : 10 1 Stick of wax 0 : 0 : 3 ———————- 2 : 3 : 5½ July 10th. 1734 Recd of Mr. SIMPSON the full Contents of this Note & all Accts per [signed] Thos. CORNEY
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