1734 11 11 : Poor and window sess receipt for Blackhall

11 Nov 1734. POOR AND WINDOW SESS RECEIPT FOR BLACKHALL. Bundle 40, Doc 2. 20 cm x 10 cm. The back of the paper had obviously previously been used for some maths school work! Cuth: SEWELLs Rect for ½ years Poor sess & window sess for Blackhall Novr: ye 11th / 1734 (2) Exr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novr: ye 11th / 1734 Recd of Sr Christr: MUSGRAVE Barrt by ye Hands of Lan: SIMPSON one pound two shillings & sixpence at fifteen purveys for one half years Poor sess for Blackhall Demesin Due michs 1734 by me [signed] Cuth SEWELL Novr: ye 11th / 1734 Recd of Sr Christr: MUSGRAVE Barrt: by ye hands of Lan: SIMPSON five shillings for one half years window sess for Blackhall Demesin Due michs. 1734 by me [signed] Cuth SEWELL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 68 —————————- ————- 145 45 Unknown the 168 Sum of the two Sides ½ the 72 52 angles ————- the 31 43 tangant of the 32 Difrances of the two Sides ——————- ½ the Diff the 104 35 ang at C the 41 09 angle at A as the Sum of the two Sides is to the Difrans of the two Sides So is the Tangant of ½ the unknown angles to the Tangant of the Difrances 168 32 72 52 31 43 222530 150515 1051109 1201620 979090 as the angle att A is to the Side B C So is the angle att B to the Side A C 41 09 68 34 15 58 981827 183250 975035 1158285 176458
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