1735 07 18 : Receipt for the balance of an account

18 Jul 1735. RECEIPT FOR THE BALANCE OF AN ACCOUNT. Bundle 46, Doc 3. 20 cm x 16 cm. The scribbled numbers at right angles on the front probably have nothing to do with this receipt. Mr. JOHNSON’s Rect. for 103 : 10 : 10 (22.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ £ S 33 – 15 47 – 10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 18th. July 1735 Then recd. of Sr. Chris: MUSGRAVE by order of Mr. Chris: DOBSON & Mr. Wm. GRAHAM the Sum~e of one hundred & three pounds ten shillings & ten pence, being the Ballance of an account stated between Sr. Christopher & me, & sent to him, 10th. January 1733, I say recd. by me, ————————— [signed] Wm. JOHNSON £ 103 : 10 : 10 —————————
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