1735 06 02 : Receipt for neatgeld for the manor of Soulby

02 Jun 1735. RECEIPT FOR NEATGELD FOR THE MANOR OF SOULBY. Bundle 47, Doc 7. 15.5 cm x 12 cm. Was wrapped inside Doc 1 together with Docs 2-6 and 8-26. The recipient of the neatgeld was Sackville TUFTON, 8th Earl of Thanet. Ld. Thanet Neatgeld out of Soulby due St. Andr. day 1734 1 : 6 : 8 (17.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2d. June 1735 Recd. of Sr. Chrr. MUSGRAVE Barrt. from the hands of Thos. RUDD one pound six shill~s. & Eightpence for neadgeld for the Mannor of Soulby Due to Sackfield Earl of Thenett St. Andrew day last £ 1 : 6 : 8 Recd. by me [signed] John RUDD

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