1735 04 28 : Receipt for tub, rope & line for the mines

28 Apr 1735. RECEIPT FOR TUB, ROPE & LINE FOR THE MINES. Bundle 47, Doc 11. 20 cm x 7 cm. Was wrapped inside Doc 1 together with Docs 2-10 and 12-26. The receipt (which is in Bartholomew GOODAY’s handwriting) is on a piece of paper cut from a letter sent to Mr GOODAY, with the address only partially visible. A Tub, Rope & Line for ye. Groves 0 : 18 : 6 (23.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ for Mr Bartho GO[ODAY] Westm[orland] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aprill ye 28 – 1735 Then Recd: of Thos:: RUD the Sume of Seventeen Shill: Sixpence for a washing Tub & Rope for the use of Charles GREENWOOD Esqr I say Recd: per me [signed] Bartho: GOODDAY More for a Washing Line one Shilling [signed] Bar: GOODDAY