1735 05 15 : Receipt for tithe calf and wool for Blackhall

15 May 1735. RECEIPT FOR TITHE CALF AND WOOL FOR BLACKHALL. Bundle 43, Doc 12. 16 cm x 10 cm. Richd. MATTHEW Tythe Calves at Blackhall 0 : 6 : 8 (9.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Apirill 26th 1735 Received of Richart MATHEW the sum of six Shillings and Eight pence for A: tithe Calvef and wool for Bleckall for 1734 I say by me [signed] Willm STEPHENSON the day Abuvesaid 15 May 1735 Recd. of Chr: DOBSON ye Contents per me [signed] Rich MATTHEW
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