1834 03 18 : 01 : Taxidermist’s letter

18 Mar 1834 (1). TAXIDERMIST’S LETTER. A letter, aged with worm holes and weak folds etc. 9” x 7”. No. 24. Edwd. SATERTHWAITE Stuffing Birds £ – ~ 7 ~ 6 March 18. 1834 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear Sir I am Sory to trouble you with another Note respecting the Birds which I cured for Sir Christopher of I wrote to You some time since which I have no doubt has escaped Your memory the amount 7s. 6d. I will be much Obliged if You wd. leave with Mr THOMPSON Gun Smith who can inform You how I objected doing them till the then Gamekeeper NOBLE Insisted that Sir Christopher whishd me to do them in Last. Your Obt. Servant [signed] Edwd SATTERTHWAITE with Sir F. F. VANE Bart. Armathwaite Hall March 18 1834 £ 7/6 Recd. for E SATTERTHWAITE Feby. 7th. 1834 [signed] James THOMPSON