1754 04 06 : 02 : Christopher DOBSON’s petty bills account

06 Apr 1754 (2). CHRISTOPHER DOBSON’S PETTY BILLS ACCOUNT. A very neat account. 4” x 6”. Petty Bills pd: per Chr: DOBSON till Apr: 1754 1753. Novr: 27. Tho: CHERRY Ropemaker 0 : 5 : 3 1754. Apl: 2. John HUTTON Pumpmaker 0 : 9 : 6 Car: of a Pack of Portwine from Newcastle 0 : 7 : 0 ————- 1 : 1 : 9 1754. April 6th: ————- Placed to ye Accot: of Sr: Phil: MUSGRAVE Bt: one pod: one Shillg: & Nine pence in full for the above Petty Bills laid out till this day per [signed] Chr DOBSON
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